Yukon Quest Photo Journey


This book captures the action and agony playing out along the Yukon Quest, a mushing marathon traversing 1000 miles of North America’s wildest terrain in conditions best described as extreme. Photographer Laurent Dick spent six years on the Yukon Quest Trail, in sunshine and snowstorms, capturing the images for this remarkable book. A compilation of photos, poetry by Brian O’Donoghue and insightful quotes from Quest veterans, the book beautifully captures the spirit of the toughest race on earth. Over 100 full color photos illustrate the journey between Fairbanks, Alaska and Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.

Following routes blazed by Klondike-era gold seekers, Quest mushers travel by dog team between Whitehorse, Yukon Territory and Fairbanks, Alaska. It’s a setting offering unparalleled visual splendor and a race boasting international flavor, matching teams from across the globe in a border-crossing charge along frozen rivers and over daunting wind swept summits. Through his images Dick takes us for a mad ride, revealing the Quest journey’s progression: first comes competition, then survival, sheer stamina and, finally, recognition of the power of interspecies cooperation.

(Book review by Mushing Magazine) A MUST SEE: YUKON QUEST – A PHOTO JOURNEY

Most of us will never have the experience of running in the Yukon Quest, but to look at this book is to share, if just for a moment, the true experience of this demanding race. Photographer Laurent Dick spent six years on the Yukon Quest Trail, in sunshine and snowstorms, capturing the images for this remarkable book. A compilation of photos, poetry by Brian O’Donoghue and insightful quotes from Quest veterans, the book beautifully captures the spirit of the toughest race on earth.

Over 100 full color photos illustrate the journey between Fairbanks and Whitehorse. The experience of running the Quest is told by the mushers, captured on their faces and in their quotes and comments. Every image tells a story. Every moment captured illuminates another aspect of this wild and exotic journey, the relationship between musher and team, and the relentless beauty and peril of wilderness. Laurent and Brian capture every leg of the race and the emotions and excitement behind them. The book begins with scenes we are all familiar with, the starting activities in Fairbanks and Whitehorse, handlers holding teams, media, mushers and cheering crowds-then it hits the trail. Teams cross the pages, silhouetted in sunsets, speeding over windblown summits, struggling with overflow, icy turns and steep ascents. Out on the trail we are shown the relationship between mushers and dogs, the care and love the mushers give and the affection their dogs return to them.

At the checkpoints we see the friendly camaraderie that results from the enormous efforts of volunteers, race officials and mushers alike. We experience the simple joy of getting a fresh pair of socks from a drop bag and the appreciation of a cot and a hot bowl of stew. As miles pass and days roll by the weary faces of the mushers show that no amount of time in a warm cabin can ease the difficulty of this great race.

From start to finish this is a fantastic record of the Yukon Quest and a must-see for anyone interested in mushing or distance racing.